When I was growing up, the oldest of nine children in a quaint town in New Jersey, keeping cool in the humid summers was tricky. We never lived in a house with a pool, but that didn't mean we never went swimming! We swam in anything and everything that would hold water for even a little while, and it didn't matter how dirty or algae-ridden or bug-infested that water was. We just wanted to cool off! My sister recollected this in her blog a week or so ago and we all had some good laughs.
(see "Screaming on the Inside" the post dated March 8th, the p.s.---read the comments too for a vivid good time.)
So, it came as no big mystery to me that my genetics had something to do with what I saw out on the back patio this afternoon. Ah, yes. The white-trash jacuzzi. Live it up, boys. Live it up. There's a little Van Sciver in you after all. And you know we have more fun.
That's hilarious!!! I'm off to read your sister's blog now--
Hysterical.. very original!!! LOL
Love! It! We grew up with the same brand of pool!
That's awesome.
So I'm looking at the first picture of Dylan and thinking, I don't remember Micah ever having that haircut and the background doesn't look familiar to me.
VanSciver all the way!!
I love it! Hahahaha!
And he looks so happy scrunched into it like that!
That is so funny, we had an old metal wash tub when I was growing up :)
I honestly have never thought to use a cooler as a pool. What a great idea! As long as it's not my kids of course. Your kids are very creative and smart! Looks like fun!
okay that is the funniest thing I've seen. Love the splash picture!
That is awesome! What an imagination! We had horse troughs (did I spell that right?) growing up and I NEVER had a desire to even stick my hand in let alone swim in it! I can't believe you actually swam in it..face down.. YUCK!
Ingenious! Kids are so smart. A portable jacuzzi that keeps your beer cold while your not using it. Nice!
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