One of my sons has made a little tradition of finding "love" for me in nature. It started when he was a preschooler, and was going on an outing away from me and I asked him, "Are you going to think of me?" He answered with an exuberant, "Yes!" and I said, "Then, bring me back a really special rock, just for me!" That first time, he was hiking in the woods with his dad and upon looking down, found a flat rock with the top baring a chip out of it in the shape of a heart. He brought it home to me, so pleased with his treasure, and I have kept it ever since.

Just before he left with his siblings to spend two weeks with his dad in Arizona, he brought me in an assortment of leaves he had gathered, which when held upside down were heart-shaped. Into the largest, he had carved with his pocketknife "I Love You".

There have been many of these little tokens of love throughout the years. It is our special mother-son language, and I cherish it. I love that Heavenly Father scatters love around His world for the taking, and for the sharing.
This past weekend was a soul-stretching experience of humility, teaching, and awareness for me personally. The Lord has said that whom he loveth, he chasteneth (Heb. 12:6). I know that is true in my role as a parent as well. I will correct and redirect my children's behavior because I love them and care about where they are headed. I consider my chastenings from the Lord a privilege and a heavenly tutelage of parental love and concern for me. If we go to him in humility, not only will he show us our weaknesses, but He will make our weak things strong (Ether 12:27). I felt that I sat at his feet for several days having my eyes opened to my possibilities as his child. I felt that he opened my heart a bit wider and taught me how I might love more as he did. The evidence of his love for me personally seemed to come from every direction so that I would be sure not to miss it. He knew I was broken-hearted with the weight of my shortcomings, but he wanted me to focus on His love, not my weaknesses. I can do all things through him (Philip. 4:13). I am strengthened by him.
i love this! And this post is incredibly encouraging as well. I love the "love in nature" thing. I may never look at nature the same again.
What beautiful reflections...a lesson we all need to have. Repeatedly if possible.
What a sweet connection to have with your son. You have a powerful perspective on the love of a parent and child.
Jenna, You always cause me to get all teary-eyed! What a special connection you have w/Dylan! I love it! And what HUGE leaves!
What a wonderful tradition you and your son have created. Those are the special moments that he will always remember too.
Another beautiful post. So many good lessons and reminders to take away from it.
That is so dang sweet--and he's like, a teenager and still doing that stuff? Does he give lessons? How much does he charge?
And conference really was great, wasn't it. I TIVOed it and need to watch it again already.
Aww, he's such a love.
Was GC the catalyst? Or was it something else?
I love the hearts from nature. What an amazing boy. Seriously, I love this secret language.
I loved GC this time. I ordered the CD's so I can listen to the talks over and over again. And I love that we all live in different places living seperate lives with unique challenges yet the Holy Spirit touched each of our hearts and answered our prayers individually from the same messages. I think that is a miracle.
what a beautiful post jenna. So perfect and so TRUE. Thanks, oh and your son, that is just cute!
This is beautiful! I love the way that you've linked the scriptures in with it! I'd love for you to come link this in with my Sunday Scripture meme this week.
That was a beautiful post. And how sweet is your son. You are a good mother.
This is great! What a cute idea. Sounds like his language of love is gifts. Have you read that book? "The five love languages" by Gary Chapman. Great insight on how each person in your family feels loved. Great post!
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