Tomorrow is my 35th birthday. I almost forgot. A blog friend has her birthday on Wednesday, and she made a little dream list of gifts she would wish for. This seemed like lots of fun, and so I decided to do it. You can tell a lot about people by what they would wish for if they could have anything, and I hardly ever allow myself to dream materialistically. Someday I will not be broke. Someday I will be able to have what I need and even some of what I want. But until then, I feel very, very blessed, and I don't make a habit of complaining or feeling disadvantaged. This list is just for fun, and just because it's my birthday. So here goes:
1. A baby grand piano would be very nice. Or, at least to have my Baldwin upright tuned and the music stand repaired. Dare I wish for a metronome?
2. A pedicure and a massage. Maybe several massages, since it would take that to undo the mess that is my neck and upper back. Better yet, several visits to the chiropractor, and then several massages. And then a pedicure.
I feel greedy already, but this is kind of fun.
3. A minivan or a Suburban. It's hard to only have one car that seats five and barely runs and needs new tires when you have a family of eight (although I'm VERY grateful that my husband's parents have allowed us the use of that car!) Maybe I could do something magnificent for someone else, and then they could write Oprah a letter telling her how selfless I am, and then maybe she could arrange for a really great wish to come true and I could have a brand new Suburban or Honda Odyssey and a $5000 gas card. Wow. What a pipe dream.

Okay, back to reality. Sort of.
4. A nice watch. Like this one:

Or this one:

5. A Kitchen Aid Artisan series Empire Red 5 quart stand mixer. But only if my mom already has one. She dreamed of a Kitchen Aid mixer my whole life and it wouldn't be right if I had one and she didn't. Mom? Did your dream finally come true? And why are they 50% off at Amazon now??

6. Some of the Carol Lynn Pearson books that I don't already own, like this one:

Or this one:

Better yet, she sells autographed copies of her books on her website.
7. A Trollbead bracelet. This is such a luxuriant wish I can barely stand it, since these beads are so expensive. But my friend, Piper, turned me on to them and I am mesmerized.

8. A WonderMill wheat grinder.

9. And then a Zojirushi bread machine. What fun I could have!

10. A silver photo charm bracelet with pictures of all my little and not-so-little ones. Again, so expensive I feel bad even dreaming about it.

11. A steam cleaner for my carpets. This is such a fun toy, but I always have to borrow one.

12. A new Sunday dress or two, and some new clothes for the week. I haven't bought but two outfits in the three years I've lived in CA--one was from Target, and one was on sale at Old Navy. I'm easy to please, but it would be so nice to feel good in clothes, and not depressed every time I walk into my closet.
13. A cello. I'd like to learn to play the cello. Whoa. Where did that come from?

14. A whole bunch of cake decorating supplies with a cool little toolbox to hold them all in.
15. An Ipod.

16. The entire King of Queens series on DVD.
17. New bedding from the Pottery Barn.
18. Those cool shelves from Shelf Reliance for food storage and several thousand dollars to actually get our food and water storage in place. And a chest freezer. Now I'm feeling spoiled. Must stop.

Well, that was FUN! Now, back to practicality. Tomorrow, my birthday would be wonderful if my children don't fight, if nobody makes a mess, if I get to take a nap, if I have all of my children and step-children here for dinner that they made, if I get to eat an angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream that Lyndsay makes, if none of the calories I consume go to my butt or thighs, and if I get some alone time with my sweetheart after the kids go to bed. That would be a dream come true, and everything a girl could wish for. I'm a lucky girl either way.
Happy birthday!!!! I hope all of your wishes come true some day.
In spite of the fact that you're insanely gorgeous, I thought you were a little older than that . . . because you're wise and smart and mature, and dang, if I share the same birth year, that makes me rather far behind the curve.
Have a great one!
Oh happy happy birthday! I loved your wish list, but go for the Odyssey not the Suburban! LOL I know that the best gift is just having your family around you, so I hope that happens for you!
Happy Birthday!! My B-day is this month, too. I am going to steal your idea, it just looks too fun to pass up.
I want a wheat grinder too!! My hubby laughs and thinks it's a dumb idea. So there's no way I'm getting one.
PS I have to agree with the Odyssey. I finally got to up grade a year ago and I love IT!! This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my husband works at the Honda store.
Happy Birthday Jenna! i really like that red mixer--so jazzy (oh, did I just use that word?!?). I always wish for "No Grief" on my birthday and no chores as well. I usually get those!
Happy Birthday!!!
I love your list--I don't think you are greedy at all . . . there were no gold-plated toilets on the list!!!
The cello--oh, I would love to learn . . .
Oh, and the massage and pedi--that should be a GIVEN!!!
And KING of QUEENS on DVD--man, you are greedy :)
Ipod nano???
ENJOY your b-day!!! And get that massage!
I hope the day is as lovely as you are!
And those shelves? Are so dang nifty. Love your list!
Happy birthday, dollface! Wouldn't it be swell if Hannah made a delicious late b'day cake for you and we all got to sing to you and then sample it in a couple of weeks? Awww..that'd be cute.
Mom has a kitchen's blue.
Some of those things aren't *too* out of reach, ya know. Perhaps you'll have to come out to Hawaii (maybe my treat for your next birthday?) and we'll do clothes shopping and pedicures. Could be cute.
Anyway, love you! Have a goodin!
Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true,especially the really important ones.
Happy Birthday, Jenna! Love the list! Hope you get all that you need to have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to you! Adam better be treating you right today! :)
I like Kings of Queens too! The first watch is close to mine, but mine is all silver and less bling. Hmmm, I don't think I have any the other things...My b-day was last close! :)
OOOPs! and Happy Birthday!
Happiest of Days, my dear one. I hope it was as fabulous as you are.
The Kitchen Aid is half off at Amazon because I used my tax refund several years ago to buy one at full price. :o)
Hope you've had a great birthday!
That was fun! I enjoyed dreaming with you! I must say I thought the comment "every time I walk into my closet". I think a walk-in closet might be on the top of my wish list...although, I would want the clothes that go in it, too...
My b-day has passed, but for Mother's Day I requested the book, "God Wants a Powerful People," by Sheri Dew, and a new journal. But that was before I started blogging, so I haven't used my book journal much.
I hope you had a happy birthday! Let us know which wishes came true!
Happy Birthday! I think you should dream BIG!!! I had a conversation with a friend once where I told her that my reality and my dreams were so far apart that it wasn't much fun to dream anymore. She told me, if your dreams are too close to your reality, then you are cheating yourself and you need to dream bigger. I thought this was a fasinating thought but I really like the idea.
How Cute Is Your Blog!?!!
i love your wish list, too!
((i got to your blog from ldswomenblogs)...hope you don't mind :)
Happy B-Day! OK, I am making the rounds of everyone I have 'access' too, and wish to know if there are any food do's or don't that apply to your family for the family visit being held at my place when you all come. Let me know, ok? Thanks.
Uncle L
As soon as I find my troll beads, I'll give them to you!
You deserve every good and perfect thing my love, Happy Birthday!!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I wish I had seen this earlier. Did I know we were the same age? Great year 1973!! Hope you had a wonderful day! Birthday's are more about the people around you than the gifts!
you're living it girl.
blessings, kathleen
I hope you had a great Birthday. I know how hoping and wishing can make that dream come true. I got my Suburban (well its gone now... but replaced with an Expedition EX/EL) in 2004. And then after 12 yrs of hoping and wishing I got my kitchenaid mixer too. (only because it was on sale and it was right after our income tax refund :P) I am like you when it comes to shopping. I hate shopping for myself. I need a new IPOD too. My kids broke my husbands (that he let me use).
Anyways good luck on getting through your list.
I have that exact steam cleaner, and that exact Zojirushi breadmaker. I am spoiled!
I hope you have been able to get a couple of these things on your list.
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