My dear bosom friend, Luisa, tagged me for a photo meme. This one's easy. All I have to do is post the 6th picture from my 6th folder (and pray it's not embarrassing). Here goes:

Sweet joys of boyhood must include wooden trains, mustn't they? Aiden is a really good sport about playing with Conor to keep him out of my hair, or away from the piano if I'm teaching. Conor, of course, adores all of his big brothers, and any time with them is golden. He especially loves being invited to play with the big boy toys, and trains are a current favorite. I love how his little baby feet are crossed. That's the same way I still hold my feet, incidentally.
I'm delighted to see that beyond this one drawer that has been taken out for play, the rest of the room is clean! They must be such good, tidy boys! Or their mother must have OCD. Either way, the details are unimportant-- we can see carpet in a room that three boys share!
Hmmm. . .I'll tag
templework, and
Megan. But if you want to play too, please do and let me know!
Hey thanks for the blog visit! I played. It's a pretty cute picture... :)
OK - I'm game. It was a fun picture, too.
I was pleasantly surprised a the photo that popped up!
I do recognize that foot pose! I hope one day to meet Conor in person.
I can never get over his curls!
cute picture! I'll have to go check out all the others too!
What I like to see with my boys too is how close they are. They're best buddies which makes me so happy to see.
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