Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another School Year is Upon Us

I cannot believe the summer has gone. It really seemed too short this year. I feel like I blinked and now the kids have to go back to school. That means, take the boys to get haircuts. Aiden had two this summer, but I didn't get Conor in until last week. He was a bit shaggy.

This is a year of Doing The Best I Can. Money is so tight. I haven't been able to find a nursing job yet, and since I'm not in school, I don't have the cushion of my scholarship and grant money. I wasn't able to buy the boys any school clothes, but thankfully, I had bought them some new things in the spring, so they don't have a lot, but what they have is in pretty good shape. I did have to buy Aiden some shoes though, since his toes were poking through.

For our First Day of School Breakfast, Aiden requested pancakes. I made whole wheat pancakes topped with our strawberry jam. Flipping pancakes at 5:30am is going to take some getting used to again!

But even at 5:30 in the morning, Aiden can still put the food away.

After Aiden's breakfast, we woke Conor up for scripture study and family prayer, and then we took Aiden to the bus. He picks the bus up at 6:30, so we leave at 6:20. I cannot believe this boy is in 8th grade this year. When I married Adam and moved here, Aiden was starting kindergarten. All of his schooling has been in California. It seems like yesterday I was bawling like a freak as he marched into his kindergarten classroom with his too-big backpack on his back. It's surreal to think that the next time we have a First Day of School, this guy will be starting high school. HIGH SCHOOL.

After Aiden was safely on the bus, I made Conor his pancakes. And since this was his official birthday, I stuck that candle right back in there and called it a party.

A very important task of the school year: packing lunches. Getting Conor to sit and eat at school is a major challenge that we have. He set a goal to improve on this. Many days he would come home after school with his lunch untouched because he would rather play. But that's too many hours without nourishment. Of course, then he has to sit and eat it at the table when he gets home, but that runs close to dinner. I get tired of the struggle.

The night before I made Whole Grain Pumpkin Muffins (with freshly ground spelt flour, and no sugar). I put these in Conor's lunch instead of a sandwich. He loved them. And he came home with only a few peppers and carrots left, which he ate quickly, thank goodness.

Second grade already. It literally seems like last week that he started kindergarten. Of course, that was the same week I started nursing school, and that seems like an eternity ago, so go figure.

This is his first year at the magnet school, so he will be working hard! And he has the same teacher that Aiden had when he was in 3rd grade.

For this one day, the school let the parents come onto the yard with their kids. I stayed for a bit with Conor and then when his teacher came out, he gave me a kiss and was fine with me leaving. We've come a long way since the days of Daily Morning Tears.

I came home and baked Chocolate Chip Cookies. Because that's our tradition on the first day of school. (And many other days of the year.) The kids come home and tell me all about their day, their teachers, their friends, their classes. . . and they eat cookies. It's terrific.

And this guy? My biggest boy. My Dylan Boy. A Senior this year. A Senior! He started school a few weeks ago, because his school is on a year-round schedule. I miss him so much. But I talked with him today and he said he can probably come for a visit at Thanksgiving time. So, I'm already excited.

Lyndsay leaves in a few weeks to head back to BYU for her Sophomore year. It's back to the grindstone! And I think it's going to be a great year.

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