First of all, the big highlight of the summer was the release of the final installment in the Twilight series. Since three of us are fans, one copy was simply not enough. We were there when the store opened to buy two copies, with the understanding that Mom didn't want to wait too long for her chance! I'm finally getting my turn, and whoa! What surprises! If only life wasn't so busy! I'd rather just read all day. . .
It seems like we've spent a lot of time in pools this summer. I wish we had our own, but we have access to several, which is almost as nice. I love being with my kids. Their company is never dull, and I will soak up the fact that they want me around as long as they do. No conquering the water slide yet. But someday. We had a great time in the high school pool one day, only to go back to the locker room and find that someone had stolen Lyndsay's shirt. We had a few hearty laughs, mostly at her expense, but in the end, chivalrous Dylan surrendered his shirt and walked the mile home bare-chested so his sister didn't have to.
And Conor is starting to love swimming. As long as Mom is close by. Dad just isn't as good. Darn it.
Of course, Lyndsay and Caitlin went to Girls Camp, and Dylan to Boy Scout Camp.
And Aiden and Sean also got to attend a week of day camp at Camp Akela for Cub Scouts.
Conor is also deciding that going potty is very fun. Especially with some reading material. If that's not his Grandpa Holiday, I don't know what is.
This morning I took Dylan and Aiden to the airport to have one last summer visit with their dad. Lyndsay stayed home this time. As she gets older, it gets harder and harder for her to want to leave her life here, understandably. But it was good she was here because this morning after the airport, she and I went to her high school preview appointment to set up her schedule and walk the school to find her classes. It helped her nerves quite a bit, but we really need to get the first two weeks behind us. She'll do great, I know. It was exciting to be there with her. Really takes one back, walking the halls of a high school.
For about four days there I'd planned on starting a preschool here in my home this year. I had a few people ask me to do one, and I finally agreed, but a little too late. It seems there isn't time to get enough kids together for this year, so we'll put it on hold for next fall. I have so many good ideas, and I know it would be fun. Good for Conor too, and a creative outlet for me. For now, I'll keep building my piano business and focus on writing while the kids are in school. That is certainly enough.
And now, off to bed. Or maybe another hundred pages of Breaking Dawn first.
I finally gave in and started reading Twilight. I started reading last Thursday and am down to the last 100 pages. Considering I'm not much of a reader, that's pretty good. I read the first 200 pages in 1 day and then didn't get a chance to pick it up again for a few days. Read a couple chapters one night, then sat down to post on my blog today and remembered that in my last blog post I had mentioned that I was going to have the book finished by this weekend and was still just barely 1/2 through it. So instead of posting, I went and read another 130 or so pages. It's good. I'm really liking it and actually just borrowed the 2nd book in the series from my sister tonight, since I figure I'll be ready to start it before I'll see her again, and we happened to be over there tonight. ANYWAY! Sorry for blah blah blahing you to death!
The preschool thing sounds exciting. I used to imagine myself running a preschool out of my home...but now I don't know if I have what it takes. You for sure do!
I'm sure you only read 100 pages, right? I can't believe how much breaking dawn blew the others out of the water. And they're so good!! Glad you're finally getting to read it. And it's good that life is busy and you can't just scarf it down. That's what I did, and I missed stuff.
That's great that you had such a fun summer with your kids, and that they still think you're cool. You seem like the kind of mom who's raised the kind of kids that will ALWAYS think their mom's cool. Good for you. I think it's great that you're a parent AND a friend to your kids.
I love your blog and your music.
I'm eager to read the Twilight series. My students were always bugging me about it . . . now, I must cave.
Sounds like you've had plenty going on! And looks like you are all having a blast.
Love the pic w/ reading material. CLASSIC!!!
I still think Breaking Dawn is a great title of the book...and not when you should be at the store buying it. :) It's good to hear from you. Even your recaps are enthralling. :)
Nice photos, and the one with Conor on the potty is ADORABLE! Sounds like lots of busy-ness and fun this summer! I looked into Joy School when my older ones were little--but ended up at a co-op preschool instead, but the JS format sounded interesting.
Sweet Jennarous!
Of course, I love the picture of Conor. The kid has great potential. Nothing like getting an early start on one's education. I calculate that 27% of all I know was learned in the sacred precincts of the Throne Room, the only place on this earth where I have achieved the highest states of peace and concentration, where the process of elimination actually creates a sort of biological vacuum that sucks knowledge from the pages of books. This is my experience. Ask your doctor if this is right for you.
Vox Humana
The last comment has me giggling so much I can't remember what I was going to write!
Thanks for sharing your summer fun. It is always fun to read your blog. Continued good luck with your piano students!
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