Conor loved the beach, as mentioned in Part One, below. Right away, he was intrigued by the enormous, seemingly friendly seagulls. He's only been walking now for a few weeks, but he trudged through that sand trying his darndest to catch a seagull. They would humor him for so long before flying about eight feet further away. He didn't give up, going in circle after circle after the birds. I thought I'd help him out, because that's what mothers do. I toted a blanket further back in the sand where he could be undisturbed by beachgoers. I filled his hands with snacks so he would stay put, and then I sprinkled Lay's potato chips all around the circumference of my baby on the blanket. Then I stood back and laughed my head off. It took seconds, literally. One bird, then two, then they started migrating in from nethermost regions of the beach for the rare delicacy of Lay's Cheddar Sour Cream potato chips. Conor sat there in bird heaven. He stared at the birds, the birds stared at him. They were both eating, so neither one seemed bothered. It made for some great beach entertainment. And I don't believe the baby was in any real harm, so leave me alone about it. You would have laughed too.
reminds me of when I was on my mission in Oregon. We went to Seaside on P-day and ate breakfast at the beach, sitting in my companions car. They were landing on the car and looking in the windows! It was cracking me up. You're son looks fine...I wouldn't give you heck about it. Looks like you had fun...wish I lived by the ocean!!!
I'm laughing and I wasn't even there. At least you didn't grab the kids and swim them out to "where the sharks are" like dad used to. *twitch*
Anyone who would object to that needs to go do some deep breathing and calm down, IMHO. You know, as long as when you set Conor down there, the gulls didn't start going, "Mine!" "Mine!" "Mine!" "Mine!"
We used to toss pieces of bread and donuts up in the air for the gulls to swoop and catch.
Absolutely adorable. I'm still chuckling.
This is awesome! I'm thinking I may have to try that, although I don't know where there are any gulls that are quite THAT tame around here. But I'll bet we could find some if we look. That looks like the one bird landed on his head?!
How fun! I think we all do silly things with our kids just for the laughs. No harm, no foul.
It cracks me up that you engineered the whole thing. What a riot!
you're refreshing. so amused at what you did here :)
and that cracked me up how annette wrote "no harm, no FOUL." ahahaha
i am still chuckling.
thanks for the cool emails jenna.
happy Sabbath,
kathleen :)
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