Exactly 23 months ago today, on February 27, 2008, Lyndsay and I sat in the office of the orthodontist, a little bit nervous, and a lot excited. Braces! Remember that day? The whole 'jewelry for your teeth' thing?

Well, today, January 27, 2010, they came off! We found out last week today would be the day and we counted down, still a little bit nervous and a lot excited. We did the "This is your last Monday with braces on!" and "This is your last dinner with braces on!" About everything.
Lyndsay remained true and faithful to her pledge to not chew gum--not one single piece--the whole time. Here is Dylan, right before he left for school, equipping her with her first piece of post-braces gum. What a brother.

I had to get one last snapshot of her before we went into the office. Why was my stomach such a bundle of nerves, anyway? Well, I've come to love that shiny metal on her teeth. Her perfectly straight teeth. And I also knew what would happen when they came off. I knew she would look like an adult. And I'm dying for her to stay a kid. Tears!

I had to be back there for the momentous occasion.

Do all moms cry when they see the braces sitting there, all alone and unattached? Like they're some metal umbilical cord or something? You know I'm horrible with goodbyes when I cry at the detached braces. I almost asked to keep them. (I kinda regret not doing it.)

And see what I mean? So grown up. I can hardly stand it. I mean, it seriously takes my breath away.
My girl. The straightest teeth ever. (I'm so, so grateful.)

Congratulations, Lyndsay! Now smile for the world!
Congrats! Congrats!!
Yes, smile for the world.. and also eat BBQ ribs fearlessly!
Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!
You look gorgeous Lyndsay! Congrats on FINALLY getting them off. And no gum for 23 months? wow - I am amazed.
-Kristen Stevens
She looks beautiful and you are right, so grown up!
okay, now my son has to go get that done next month--and I am so nervous for him, too!
Wow! Yay, Lyndsay!
Jenna.... as gross as this is I still have my old braces somewhere. They are with my crooked teeth mold. HAHA. Lyndsay is gorgeous!
Oh, she's gorgeous. Congratulations!
Yay! Beautiful!!
Yup, beautiful!
I don't want any of my kids to grow up, either.
Oh. Wait. (sniff!)
She's gorgeous! (But you knew that already!)
We just found out my son gets his off in a month--woot!
Wow! A full head of teeth! What's that like? I love you.
The Ancient of Weeks
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