Saturday, January 26, 2008


I'm so grateful that even though I haven't had the inspiration for an incredible story of my own yet, I still have the appreciation for the stories that others write. Man, oh, man, what an experience a well-told story is. I will read anything that Khaled Hosseini writes for the rest of his life. You know how A Thousand Splendid Suns did me in. Well, I just finished reading his debut novel, The Kite Runner. Really, really engaging. I can't wait to see the movie, although I'm sure it will not measure up to the beauty of the writing.

I'm grateful that I was blessed with four new piano students in the last week, bringing me up to 11! My goal is 25 eventually, and I'm getting there. It's an amazing feeling to be entrusted with little ones, and to teach them to love music.

I'm grateful that after a very slow period, and tumultuous times in Hollywood right now, Adam just booked a commercial for Macintosh! They didn't even do call-backs this time! Out of more than 600 people who auditioned for his role, they decided to book him without even a second thought. This is incredible, because usually the process involves a call-back, and then being put "on hold" for an agonizing, roller coaster ride of several days while the men in suits decide. It's rough. But this time, just a phone call from his agent that he got it! He goes for wardrobe on Monday, and it shoots on Tuesday. You have no idea what a blessing this is. But I do.

I'm grateful that I'm finally over my stint with the flu. I didn't know I was so sick, but apparently... thank goodness for ensuing health!


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Terrific blessings Jenna. Sometimes stopping for those gratitude moments is important. When the commmercial launches you'll have to let us all know so we can see Adam!

Sarah said...

Very exciting! If gas/time wasn't an issue, I'd send my girls out there in a heartbeat to be taught piano by you. OOOH....I have a better idea! Move to Mesa. :)

Grats to Adam on the commercial! And yes, let us know when it launches.

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, I'm so glad for all of it!

YogaNana said...

All very good news!

And you know we're kind of prejudiced toward Macintosh up here, so that's extra nice. :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Adam getting the Mac commercial. I love my Mac!! Is it part of the ongoing I'm a Mac, I'm a PC commercial?

Anonymous said...

i love how you said ... "It's an amazing feeling to be entrusted with little ones, and to teach them ... " so agree. congrats on adam's commercial. must be a relief for you.

Julie Wright said...

Sweet on the piano students and on the new acting gig. I spent years doing various little bit stuff in movies and know exactly how cool this is! GOOD FOR YOU GUYS!!!!! Congratulations. Blessings rock.

Ritsumei said...

I don't know anything about commercials - so all I can offer is ignorant congrats on that front, but I too teach piano lessons & that's so exciting to have 4 new little ones to help explore the music! What method do you use? I'm using Piano Adventures & loving it, but I've heard really good things about that Music Tree (I think that's the name) method. Anyway, good luck with your new ones & with getting your studio full!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

How lovely! So happy to see you being blessed as you deserve!