Dylan-boy is 12. My sweet little hurricane. Now he is anxiously awaiting armpit hair and a voice change. (He has me frequently check for any sign of hair under his arms, but so far, nothing.) His birthday celebration continued on for about a week, beginning with Grandpa and Grandma Holiday coming for his ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood, and ending a week later with a shark cake and some friends. In the middle there, Lyns and Dylan went to the Los Angeles Temple for their first trip to do family baptisms. They each did 100 names, the little troopers that they are, and the highlight for Dylan was doing an ancestor whose name was Harry Potter. Not even Harold Potter, just Harry. He'll always remember. It was glorious, and here are some pictures, which are always better than my words.
Unbelievable! The cake is fantastic. They really are growing up....
Jenna, your kids are just so gorgeous and growing up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that Lyndsay was *this* high at my wedding reception and getting down on the floor to peek under the food tables. (I have a pic of that somewhere.)
That's hilarious about the armpit hair! Happy belated to Dylan!
Okay, you just freaked me out. I don't know that I'll be checking my 12 yr old's arm pits . . .
What a sweet boy--almost man. :)
Awesome cake!
My oldest just turned 12 and he was so proud to show me his armpit hairs. It was a grand moment! Your son is very handsome. I love the pictures and that cake is awesome! Also, you are related to Harry Potter? That is my boys dream. I can't wait to tell them that he is really real (since they already believe that he is!)
Such a gorgeous family...such a cool cake...such lovely memories being made.
And I assume Mom made the shark? Really cute!
Happy Birthday Dylan!!! They are such good looking kids Jenna!! Also... that cake looks familiar!! Did I inspire this one???? Please say yes. It would seriously make my day!!
Doing baptisms for ancestors is an amazing experience. I will never forget the first time I stepped into a temple of the Lord. I'm sure your children were thrilled. And 100 names . . . go kids!
Great cake!
He's a handsome boy. What a sweet post. Terrific cake.
Who keeps giving them permission to grow up? Tell them to stay little so it's easier for me to knock them over. Happy WAY belated birthday, Dylan boy/man.
Happy Birthday!! I can't say that my son asked me to check for armpit hair when he turned 12. I didn't realize it was that moment that changed you from a boy to a man. You learn something new every day!!
First of all, gorgeous children.
Second, how the heck did you make that cake?!?!?!? My children would be seriously impressed if I made something 3-D like that! What flavour was it?
Third, you are amazing!
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