Saturday, February 16, 2008

Re-Run! Contest Entry

I'm submitting my post "Towering Above the Masses" for my contest entry over at Scribbit's Write Away Contest. Entries are due February 20 for this month's contest, with the theme being "Love". You should enter!


Andrea "The H family" said...

Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say how much I appreciate your sweet comment on my dysfunctional blog. :) (big smile)
Your blog is quite fun and very real. I love 'real' bloggers Jenna. Thank you.
Huge hugs from Texas. How in the world did you find me?

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, yay! Goooooo, Jenna! That piece rocks.

Andrea "The H family" said...

Hi Jenna..yes, yes..add me to your links and I hope it's ok to add you to mine. Praise God for your writing about the topic of trials/purpose etc. The book is actually a daily devotional and it's fantastic. It's by LB Cowan.
Thank you for your encouragement on all the blog fronts! I have a friend that scribbits! So fun. You write very well!!
I'll stalk you often. I'm obsessed with blogging!
Huge hugs,
Andrea from Tx

Anonymous said...

awh jenna!

this was THEE first thing i ever read by you. you touched my heart the first time i read this. you made me choke up, but good kind. i immediately was sooooo touched by your words, by your life, by your appreciation and gratitude over your experiences and all of it. so glad for you that you found your right adam. you are so blessed girl. may you always always get what you want so bad. if we never had it really bad, how would we truly KNOW without a doubt when we have it so good ... when we have the best? D&C 29:39 one of my favs.

you are so talented at writing. i am impressed for this post still hits me and it was months ago that i read this. good luck, but you don't need luck girl.

kathleen :)
your cheerleader today

ps. come see my latest blog post if you want to share and encourage me in this quest i have. see you soon :)

Laurie said...

I love this post! I haven't read it before! I'm so glad you found your Adam! He sounds perfect! And I love what your father said to you! I have to admit, that is one of my biggest fears. I do not think of myself as equal to men and I wonder if I could survive without my husband. I don't like that feeling. Now I'm confessing too much to you! You are so strong! I hope you win!