Monday, April 14, 2008

In the Groove

You know the feeling. When you're right where you're supposed to be, doing just what you're intended to do. In the groove. I'm groovin'.

My friend, Luisa, was the first to invite me to blogland, and though I initially felt small and insignificant, befuddled, and bemused, I am so grateful that she believed in me enough to coax me along out of my comfort zone.

My new writer and author friends, Josi, Annette, Heather, Julie, and Traci, who honor me with their continued readership of this little blog, have also given me a virtual thumbs up to pursue writing beyond it. Their votes of confidence have filled me with enough courage to give it more focus.

So, it was with huge thrill that I received a pat on the back in the form of an acceptance for a little article I sent off to Desert Saints Magazine last week. (Thanks for the nudge, Heather!) And I've sent several other projects off to various publications, and have begun more earnestly on THE BOOK. I also was asked to write a Christmas play for a ward in Arizona, and the opportunity both humbles and excites me. It feels really, really, well...groovey.


Hannah said...

Wow Jenna! That's awesome. We've got such a talented family, don't you think?

Josi said...

Go Jenna! It is a thrill to get yourself out there, isn't it? And there's something about fulfilling your measure. Big hugs and congrats and cheerleading from Willard!

Luisa Perkins said...

I am immensely proud of you, you Groovy Girl!

Anonymous said...

Jenna.. that is great news!! Congrats to you!!

Misty said...

it is such an amazing feeling when someone comes and WANTS something you've written! Congratulations!

Sarah said...

That is TOTALLY awesome, Jenna! -AND- I agree with what Hannah said, you guys do have SUCH a talented family! I'm forever grateful that I married into it. The gene is being passed on to my children and I love it! (I'll fill you in on that on my blog, hopefully today, rather than take up space in your comments section.)

Don said...

That's a powerful group of friends you mention. Several of them stop by my virtual place once in a while, and they really are wonderfully supportive.

I'm glad to hear you're moving forward with your writing. And congratulations on your article acceptance. Way exciting!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Yay! You're such a fabulous writer, I'm so glad to see you finding broader scope for your amazing talents!

Annette Lyon said...

Yippee!!! Hooray for that groove! YES!

Andrea "The H family" said...

Hugs, I love your blog.

Traci Hunter Abramson said...

Congrats Jenna! This is just the beginning!

Anonymous said...


Momo Fali said...

Yay you! Congratulations!

Holly Homemaker said...

Since I started visiting your blog, I have been touched, not only by your life and what you do with it, but also by the way you write about it and share it. Very talented woman you are! Congrats in the new ventures!

piper said...

I'm flying out for the red carpet when your play opens on Broadway!

Yay Jenna!! You groove great ;)


Angela said...

Jenna that is sooo exciting! Good luck! You are very talented.

Love ya!

Laurie said...

Yea!!!! I'm so excited for you! I knew you were destined for greatness. I'm first in line for your book. Is your article that was accepted online?

Heather Moore said...

Congrats Jenna! I'm so excited for you! What issue will your article be in? Someone as talented as you can't help but get published . . . you just needed to submit!

Josi said...

What do you get when you compliment Josi on your blog?

Tagged :-)

Tristi Pinkston said...

That is so stinkin' amazingly awesome! Wooohooooo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Allow me to be the 21st "Yay, you are so groovingly awesome!" comment.

YAY, you are so groovingly awesome, Jenna!

Sincere congrats from Boston though it most certainly does not come as a surprise.


Anonymous said...

hi jenna,

this is awesome. way to go!!! very happy for you. i love reading the way you write.

you capture my attention with how you are able to make words dance playfully across the screen.

always a pleasure, kathleen :)

PS. hope you get what you seek after!!