This was the card I gave to Adam this morning. It may not be the most romantic of notions, on this our 4th anniversary, but some things are worth acknowledging, rather than glossing over.
Namely, we're still in the game.
Last night I stayed up until the wee hours of the night putting together a slideshow of pictures and music of our first four years together. I saw something wonderful. While the years have been filled with challenges, another thing has been happening in the background: we have been building a life, and a new family together. And that ain't easy, especially when the odds are stacked against us.
Sometimes it's easy to think that it's all been hard, but what I saw before my eyes were birthdays, and Christmases, Halloweens, and Easters. First days of school, graduations, soccer seasons, baseball seasons, Tae Kwon Do tournaments, and dance recitals. Family dinners and company dinners, game nights, and karaoke jams. A baby blessing, baptisms, ordinations, advancements in scouting, and pinewood derby trophies (lots of them!). Temple trips, beach trips, road trips, and zoo trips.
And kids growing up right before my eyes. Teens emerging out of thin air, and more on their heels. A baby born right here at home. Firsts of everything, then a toddler, now almost a preschooler. Girls camp, Scout camp, day camp. Homeschooling, public schooling.
A whirlwind of activity in the background of a new life being forged from two broken ones. No, make that seven broken ones. And one new little addition to bind us all together. So, with all of those blessings and triumphs, smiles, and memories, how could I put more focus on the trials and opposition than on all the goodness that has been developing right under my nose?
And the truth is, that while I've baked a lot of cakes and cooked a lot of dinners, created holidays, and scrubbed a lot of floorsfacestoiletstableshandssinkswallsbottomsnosescounterscarpets, I haven't done it just for me, and I haven't done it all by myself. I do have a husband who is trying to love me and serve me too, and who, when it's all said and done is still here too. Fighting. And I gotta say, that I love him for that.
We really are building a life. And so, we've had some setbacks. The important thing is that we're still trying and it was heartwarming to see what has happened in four years worth of pictures, set to Rascal Flatts singing "God bless the broken road that led me straight to you."
Four years. I believe in miracles.
This is so beautiful. Have you thought of writing it for the Segullah entry (due Aug 15th I think).
You rock to still be in the game of marriage, of family, of seeking to better yourself and make it work.
I loved this post! Happy anniversary, you two!
Happy Anniversary. Beloved and I have made it 11 years. August will make it 12. But I have to see if we'll make it to August. I'm not even sure we'll make it till next weekend.
Wonder Woman, who reads my blog, sent me over to find you.
I'm glad she did.
Happy anniversary to you both....
Happy Anniversary! I am so proud of you.
I love that song, though I only know the Marcus Hummon version.
So beautiful, Jenna. I'm so glad for you that despite the struggles you still believe in miracles.
Can't say I'm familiar with the song but the sentiment resonates up here, for sure!
Happy anniversary, and may you *both* keep paddling like that frog in the milk jug who eventually made butter. Isn't that a charming image?
Happy Anniversary to both of you*!* May the burdens of next year (we all have them) be much lighter. You deserve that!
Hooray for four years (you probably also have equal sentiments of "has it only been 4 years?" and "has it already been that long?"). Happy Anniversary to both of you! It's funny - I've had that song in my head for the past month or so... great choice. Love you!
My friend was telling me the other day the same thing in terms of struggling with things in life. He doesn't care as much about what we do with our life, nearly as much as what we become. I guess becoming is much more of a struggle and a process. Keep up the hard work--it will make it all the more sweet in the end!
This was gorgeous. Thank you!
Happy Anniversary! I forgot our anniversaries were so close together. Beautiful post!
So beautiful, Jenna. you guys are such a testament. Truly...
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