Last week I took Dylan on a road trip, just the two of us. There were several reasons for the trip, but mostly it was because I wanted some time with my biggest boy, the one who has gone and grown up, and the one who will be moving to his dad's this summer. I get all torn up and weepy inside realizing I have only about 100 days left with my Dylan in my nest, and no certainty that he will ever return for more than a visit. How the years fly by!
The last few years have been difficult ones, with butting heads and budding independence. I wanted some time with him outside of our home to build some sweet memories and so that he could feel my attention, my devotion, and my love, just for him.
We filled the days together, and I treated him to things we hardly ever get to do. We ate at his favorite restaurants (The Outback and Golden Corral). We saw a movie (Red Riding Hood). We went mini-golfing. We did some shopping.

On Friday we drove out to Zion National Park for a hike. We decided to hike to the three Emerald Pools. The Lower Pool was an easy hike, the Middle Pool not much harder. The Upper Pool was a bit tougher, and I had to stop a few times to catch my breath. Dylan hiked behind me so that he could catch me if I fell, which I didn't, but I thought it was sweet of him. When there were big rocks to climb up to, or jump over, he would go ahead of me and offer me his hand. We made it to the top, and reveled in our accomplishment. I thought about how our relationship has evolved from a little boy who needs everything from his mom, to an almost-man, who now gives to me and helps me as much as I help him. Our strengths balance each other. Not just on the hike, but on our walk through life, Dylan has stretched my heart and opened my eyes to so many things that have helped me to grow. Raising him has been a privilege, and I'm so glad we had this chance, one-on-one to create happy memories together.
Beautiful post!
Aww! I'm so happy you got to do this! Love you guys!
What a great experience! I can't believe how grown up he is.
My heart breaks for you that is he moving with his dad. LOVE that you had such a great weekend with him!
*sniff* so sad... Jenna, I adore you. You are such a beautiful mom. I glean, and glean and glean from you!
What a good boy and what a fantastic mother!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip. xoxo
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