In the Van Sciver family that I grew up in, New Year's Eve was a party! Eating, and eating, and eating, and playing games, and watching movies...and at midnight, all 11 of us on the front porch with pots, pans, and spoons, banging the heck out of everything and screaming, "Happy New Year!" This seemed a worthy tradition to continue in my own family, and the older my kids get the more they look forward to it. So, neighbors? Sorry. Happy New Year to you!
The night was interesting. Caitlin and Sean are still in Hawaii, but my kids were here. We had a feast for dinner, and then some extraordinary brownies with peppermint ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert. We watched George C. Scott blow us away as the finest Ebeneezer Scrooge EVER, we played some Olympic-caliber ping-pong, and as the night waned and irritability set in, we pulled out the karaoke! The down side to the night was that Conor fell and cut his forehead open on the corner of a drawer and there was blood everywhere. Everywhere! Thank goodness Daddy was home to help Mommy not freak out.
Today begins a new year, and I love it! I have three main resolutions this year, which I'll save for another post, but I feel very optimistic about 2008. I think it all goes up from here! I hope for you too!
It sounds so fun! I hope Conor is ok. Happy New Year.
I'm feeling sooooo good about 2008...there just seems to be that hopeful feeling about it for some reason. Maybe it's just that 2007 was a rough year, I don't know, but I'm stoked!
Hope Connor is okay! Head wounds are the worst!
Head wounds do bleed something fierce -- hope that's all it was. (I suddenly recall the time you got smacked in the head by a swing and I thought you were bleeding to death.)
Good to see the tradistions continuing! Did you make trifle?
Once again, I would like to comment that I can spell but I can't type. :o)
Dibs on the Liberty Bell!! Haha..you remember..you remember!
Oh, poor Conor! Happy New Year! I sure wish you lived next door....
Abby! I had completely forgotten about the Liberty Bell! That is so funny! I'm the oldest...I get it!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
wow, my kids would think we are the most boring family if we lived next to you! Of course, if we lived next to you we'd probably join you!
What fun traditions! Sounds like you guys had a ball, injury notwithstanding. Happy New Year!
Thank you, thank you for continuing what I think is an awesome tradition and for proving to my husband that yes, other people in NJ (besides my crazy family) actually DID bang on pots and pans at midnight on New Years (and that no, I wasn't just making it up!). I happen to know of at least a few other families that did it as well... who knows where it started (was it you guys?!?!). We New Jersey people can be a bit odd, but proud! Happy New Year! Kiss Conor for me!
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