Monday, June 30, 2008

The Best Six Seconds of the Week

I walked to Church alone yesterday with Conor in the stroller. Adam woke up extra cranky and didn't feel like going. I sat in our regular pew, trying to keep Conor occupied with one surprise after another from my "Bag of Tricks". Instead, he wanted the crackers from the baby behind us and the fruit snacks from the little girl in front of us. Thank goodness they both knew how to share.

The first speaker, well, I don't know what his topic was about because I could only listen in, like, six second increments, but I did hear him lead into the story of the Good Samaritan. A Jewish leader was trying to trick Jesus with questions about how to get into heaven. Jesus' response was to love God with heart, mind, and soul, and to love one's neighbor the same. The leader then asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?"

I wrestled with Conor, cynically thinking, "well, if it's the person hardest to be kind to, the person that makes life most difficult, then today it is my husband." I looked up to see what his answer would be.

He paused, and then he said, "I think sometimes our neighbor is our husband or wife. It's far too easy to be unkind and to treat them in a way we would never dream of treating other people."

Okay, okay. Lesson learned. Mission accomplished.


Laski said...

That is so, so true. We know that often no matter what we say or how we behave, their love for us keeps them by our side. For some reason, we take liberties with that love.

Thank goodness for forgiveness.

What a lovely post! It belongs in a devotional reader!

Misty said...

I hate when that happens! But I love it too! It makew me feel like begrudgingly saying "Okay, Heavenly Father...I needed that. Thank you." Your posts seem to teach me the lessons I need right at that moment. Thank you!

Jamie said...

So true! Often times the ones I love the most don't get my best. Great post!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading more of yours.

Lori said...

Isn't it amazing how that always seems to happen. You make the right decision to be where you are supposed to be, even though the adversary is trying so hard to thwart your best intentions, and God throws you a lesson that you needed to hear. lol I love Him! I love you and miss you. Aunt Lori

Momo Fali said...

Amen! My husband has been a grump lately. I have to remind myself to treat him with kindness DESPITE his attitude sometimes.

Wonder Woman said...

Isn't it great when the Spirit smacks you upside the head? :o) I had a day at church where a talk, the GD lesson, and RS lesson(which I RARELY get to hear) were all about prayer. And then I turned on the TV once the kids were in bed and BYU women's conference was on and the two talks I heard were on prayer.

Coincidence? I think not.

Andrea "The H family" said...

LOL. The story of my life. Thanks for the encouraging mommy words. I felt so much better reading my comments as I'm starting to think Luke met his tantrum mile stones right on target! LOL

Julie Wright said...

Love that!!!!! Nice reminder

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh my yes! I love moments like this, as shaming as they can be. It reminds me that my Heavenly Father is watchful and lovingly attending to my needs. Teaching what needs to be taught in such a way that I can't deny the truth of the message.

Lesley said...

Oh wow...I'm glad you were listening, at least for that 6 seconds!

Unknown said...

Excellent point. Something I need to learn too.

Heather Moore said...

Great analogy. It's funny how we are often nicer to strangers than we are to our own family members.

Anonymous said...

a tender mercy.

what perfect timing.