My gardening-diva sister Hannah started doing Harvest Monday, where she posts whatever she's brought in from the garden that day. I think there's a list to join, but I'm too sleepy right now to find it. I did have a fun harvest today though, so I thought I'd at least post my pictures.
Here's some of it: a whole bunch of green beans, a huge head of cauliflower, some sugar snap peas, and some garden peas.

We have lots of carrots ready, but I only pull them as needed, so today I pulled three. They're about six inches long, which made me pretty proud.

Later in the day, I went and cut the other big heads of cauliflower and the broccoli that was ready. Also, a few more peas, since I decided to just harvest and freeze what we had ready.

I blanched and froze all of these green beans and filled a quart sized freezer bag. I get this amount about every 3 days.

I steamed and pureed all the cauliflower and froze it in ziplocs too, to add to things like mac and cheese and mashed potatoes since other than deep-fried, the family isn't too crazy about just eating cauliflower.
And I blanched and froze all the garden peas. The sugar snap peas are just in the fridge for snacking on. Who can resist?

Then, just before dinner, I went out again and harvested a bowl full of leftover spinach and Swiss chard to chop up for homemade veggie pizzas.

I've had so much fun with my garden so far. The time has come to pull up the spring crops and plant summer ones, and I'm a little sad to see the huge green jungle revert back to its baby self. The broccoli and cauliflower are just about done, except for a few plants I'll leave in. The Swiss chard, spinach, and a lot of the lettuce are done, and the peas vines are starting to lose vigor. But I'll be adding a little corn, melons, and squashes, and of course, more carrots and beans. The tomatoes are about ready to burst forth and that makes me so excited. Yay gardens!
Yay! I love the variety!
The girls and I started seeds for some topsy turvy style plants yesterday. Tomato and strawberry. Maybe too late in the season to get going on them but they were only $2 each and I couldn't pass them up. We'll see what comes of them!
Your gardening is so inspiring! I have a black thumb and after reading this I'm wanting to find a way to green it up a bit. Congrats on your bounteous harvest!
WooHoo Harvest Monday!!! I had pictures for mine but just didn't feel like posting them. Instead I spent yesterday folding laundry. Boo!!
Why is your swiss Chard done? Mine is still going strong and we are at 110 degrees. It's really very heat tolerant.
And seriously, please teach me how to grow green beans. I don't know why they won't grow well for me. The few I do get off my plants are always curled up too. I feel like a failure.
looks great. Wish it would stop raining so I could get my garden planted. I'd love to live where you get more than one gardening time.
Hannah, my Swiss chard is tucked underneath the broccoli plants (I had no idea the broccoli would grow so huge) and the cabbage worms have eaten a lot of the Swiss chard leaves, so they just don't look so pretty anymore. I want to grow more, I just need to start over is all.
I'm not sure why you have trouble with beans. I grew them when I lived in Mesa. This year's have done the best ever, I think because of square foot gardening and growing them so close together (9 plants to a square). The soil stays moist longer and the canopy they provide doesn't allow for weeds. I used Blue Lake this year and they've been really good.
I so wish I was a gardener... but I'm not. :( Let's just add it to the "Things about Jenna that are so awesome" list... you rock! (sorry, "you Garden!" just didn't have the same ring to it...
I'm so impressed! And so jealous! That's an amazing haul.
I can't imagine where you live to have such a beautiful garden! I'm just barely getting shoots coming out of the ground and I'm 2 months away from any carrots at all. Beautiful!
I love gardening posts.
I came via Braden Bells blog. He suggested I check your out.
Glad I did.
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