Afterwards, with a houseful of hungry boys, she and I started the dough for the cinnamon rolls, and once rising, we prepared Taco Salad, one of our favorite meals. She and I have great synchronicity in the kitchen. Oh, and if you're wondering, here's how to make the perfect Taco Salad:
Taco Salad Jenna's Way
lay a bed of Fritos on a plate
next cover with shredded Romaine and baby spinach leaves
next comes ground turkey, browned and seasoned with Taco seasoning
A nice pile of refried beans, warmed
shredded cheddar cheese (to melt a bit on the warm ingredients)
diced tomatoes
sliced black olives
a bit of salsa
a dollop of light sour cream
Anyway, once dinner was done, we got back to work on the cinnamon rolls, and may I say that we found the absolute best recipe ever? Over at My Kitchen Cafe, Vanilla Pudding Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting. To. Die. For. A whole box of vanilla pudding, prepared, in the dough, which makes the dough so soft. The rolls are HUGE, like Cinnabon huge, and so, so good. They were finished around 9pm, and we let the boys come down to eat them fresh from the oven and dripping with cream cheese frosting. We definitely have a new go-to favorite recipe now. You should try it. They're all eaten now, but the memory of them makes me smile. And want more soon.
We went to bed full and tired from a productive, homey sort of day. I took my journal out and shed a few tears as I recorded the tender feelings of my heart about my almost-grown daughter who is so lovely, and so breathtaking. Then I wrote a letter to her in the journal I keep for her, and have since the day I first discovered she was growing within my womb. I told her how much it means to me that she loves me, and that when given an entire day to spend however she would choose, she chooses me. I told her how I search her face and her hands and her feet for remnants of her childhood, and what I wouldn't give to have back just a snatch of her sweet little girl days. A few days of baby teeth and ponytails. What a privilege it is to watch her grow and bloom and become far more than I ever, ever imagined possible could come from me. I am in awe.
And I am blessed.
lay a bed of Fritos on a plate
next cover with shredded Romaine and baby spinach leaves
next comes ground turkey, browned and seasoned with Taco seasoning
A nice pile of refried beans, warmed
shredded cheddar cheese (to melt a bit on the warm ingredients)
diced tomatoes
sliced black olives
a bit of salsa
a dollop of light sour cream
And I am blessed.
Oh, Jenna..that all sounds so warm and cozy! I'm so glad you and Lyndsay have such an awesome relationship..I'm envious!
She did a fabulous job on that dress! How cute!
Love you!
I have to say the dress is adorable.
And I can't wait until my girls are old enough to really cook with me. Now they stand on a step stool and wait for a cup of flour or a tsp of vanilla to pour in, but it's not the same. I cherish their desire to be with me and help, but I am excited to work side by side with them.
I'd love to know how you have such a wonderful relationship with your dd. I'm hoping when my girls are older it will be similar.
And you're amazing to keep a journal for her that long. So neat.
I will have to try those cinnamon buns and salad. yum.
It sounds so nice Jenna... And the dress is as sweet as can be! I pray, every day, that Genny and i have a good relationship and not a bickering one, when she's in h.s.
I could eat how cute you two are. It's wonderful. Lyndsay is amazing, just like her mom. What a sweet post, to a sweet sweet day.
I wish I could sew with you. I would be thanking you for spending time with me too. I miss you SO much!
I'm worried for you and these fires. Please let me know you are all okay.
I love you DEARLY.
So cute, Lyns! And the food all sounds terrific. What a lovely day.
*sigh* *tears* Another beautiful post, Jenna - you've got me hooked now! Hope your day is just as lovely, today!
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