Monday, October 20, 2008

You Win, I Win!

Congratulations to Holly over at 2 Kids and Tired for winning the new autographed Hilary Weeks' CD! You will love it, Holly! Send me your mailing address, okay? And everyone who wasn't chosen, please go buy a copy and support Hilary! You won't be disappointed, I promise.

Oh, and thank you to wonder woman, who awarded me this darling blog award last week over at her blog! It's so pretty! I must now share it with:

Hannah-because her cakes and her garden are award-worthy and her creativity is off the charts.

Abby-because nobody takes self-portraits like she does, or has such a flair for baby photography.

Sarah-because her scrapbook pages blow "creative" out of the water, and her Monday dinners are so delicious

Tara-because I saw pictures of her house and I know she's just like her mother and everything she touches is divine, beautiful, and perfect.
And my Mom, who really needs this blog award because she IS creativity incarnate.
(Hey, you winners, all you do is copy and paste the award into your own blog and then pass on the love to someone else, however many you wish! Remember to put it in your sidebar too!)

The rest of you are fabulous too, and I'm sure an award is coming your way soon!


Luisa Perkins said...


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Congrats all round! That really is one of the prettiest blog awards I've ever seen!

Sarah said...

Congrats to Holly! And YAY! For me! An Award! I'm honored! Thank you for thinking of me! I will wear it on my blog w/pride!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE this CD by hilary. i bought it when she was up here in alaska for TOFW in sep and i have heard it so much, i have practically worn out the CD :)

my favorite song on it is "you give."

that one helped encourage me so much through a reallllly rough experience.

i love it how the way she sings certain songs just gets to me to my very soul. so cool that you gave away one of her CDs. she is my fav singer/songwriter.

chow, kathleen

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Thank you, thank you!! I'm so excited. I sent you my info...

Anonymous said...

hi jenna -- thanks for the sweet email.

i finally finished a blog post today and you are in it. come see. sumthing sumthing for ya :)

i had to include you, you'll see.
kathleen :)

Anonymous said...

opps jenna, here is the link to my blog post for ya ...